A New On-Line Shopping Page.

On-line marketing has become an ever increasing presence in the market place and Island Woman magazine has created a platform to assist smaller companies on the island to easily access and share in its potential.

Shop on-line. Woman to Woman blog.  Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.Trish Summerhayes, the owner of Island Woman, said “It’s very important to me to do all that I can to encourage small business’ on the island, especially those of island women. I was a small business owner for many years and I know that it can be very difficult to start up and run a business, especially for women. It is so draining trying to obtain start-up money and to build a cash flow to maintain yourself”.

“I really hope that our new On-Line Shopping section of Island Woman can help small business. They are the life blood of our communities”.

Click this link to see this exciting new opportunity: –


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