Sharing Your Story


Have you ever had the experience of hearing two people try to tell the same story at the same time? How they can each talk over the other as they try to tell their version of events, each convinced of their own connectedness?

Your stories are your experiences of your life. You can become so convinced of the validity of your experience that you block out any other perception. The truth of the matter, as I have seen it and experienced is this – My truth of my life experience is mine and mine alone and your truth is yours. It is not my job to convince you of the rightness of my experience or my experience of another.

It’s a bit like the old saying, “Let’s agree to disagree” except that we are taking a bit further, which is to say this – “Let’s agree that my truth does not need to be your truth.” I think that a great many relationships could benefit from this way of seeing things, a lot fewer argument would happen and many more people would maintain their sense of value and self worth. 

Try it the next time someone tries to tell you what your experience is based on their perception. Simply say “Your truth is not my truth nor does it need to be” Own your truth, know your thoughts and be solid in yourself – when your sense of yourself is not dependent on an other person agreeing with you, all else will follow.

 Pets, Shop on-line. Woman to Woman blog. Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Master Healer Intuitive Counsellor, Educator and Author Read Megan on Island Woman Magazine See Megan’s Interview on Shaw TV’s GO Island!

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