A New Sense of Hope.

As we approach this Christmas I sense that there is a new sense of hope, not just on the Island but across Canada.
Click here to read the complete article. For years we have been led to believe that we were under the constant threat of potential violence by terrorist. It became omnipresent.

Fear feeds on itself.

That feeling changed in an instant as the results of the federal election were announced. Fear was immediately replaced by an overwhelming message of renewal. Smiles and hugs replaced scowls, threats and isolation.

Human warmth and compassion returned to our national leadership. Hope and the feeling that we can and will do better returned to us. Once again we knew that as Canadians we were back on the path to the our true role in the world.

Hope is the most powerful driver of the human condition.

I believe that with our sense of hope, equality and fairness we are in a position now to return to our long admired role in the world as peace keepers.

As we now set about putting our own house in order the peoples of the world will be able to see that the Canadian way is to be admired and replicated.

I wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year.

Happy Christmas.  BC. Seniors 101, Island Voices promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island.Trish Summerhayes.
Publisher – Island Woman.

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