With both provincial and federal government leaders emphasizing the need for economic and environmental solutions, and the need growing for long-lasting benefits and employment in BC’s southern coast, a Salish Sea World Heritage Site proposal is being seen as a major economic driver and world-wide attraction for south-western British Columbia.
Petty bureaucracy policy robs senior of his dignity.
The article below shows how petty internal policy can inflict totally unnecessary pain, suffering and loss of dignity to a elderly man for its own convenience. This was even more outrageous because the organisation concerned is running a care facility for seniors. It really was the final insult, as they denied the man his legal […]
New High Speed, Foot Passenger Only Ferry, Downtown Victoria to Downtown Vancouver.
V2V Vacations says it expects to launch its passenger ferry service between downtown Victoria and downtown Vancouver on May 1 with three tiers of service, costing $120, $199 and $240 one way.
More ride availability and shorter wait times highlighted in HandyDART survey results
BC’s Seniors Advocate released results of a province-wide survey of almost 7,500 HandyDART users in the province today.
A Green Burial into our Blue Ocean.
Located just a few hundred feet from shore within the Strait of Georgia, an artificial reef using cremated remains, is ready to be born.
Women love travel more.
All the women in my family seem to be travelling and I’m compelled to speak out! My mom is heading back to the Bahamas with her friends – all women. Yesterday she called to let me know where her important documents are stored in the event of an emergency. She ended her conversation by […]
Wear a Pussyhat.
The day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. I have just learnt about this incredible gathering of women that is going to happen in Washington on January 21st. to reinforce the rights and freedoms of women, The Women’s March on Washington, from the newspaper article below.
Cannabis: THC, CBD, and Cannabinoids
As we head towards full legalization, we are starting to see the views of society starting to change in regards to cannabis. Every day, new research is being developed and we are finding more and more uses for this extraordinary plant that has grown alongside human kind for a millennium. Current research has shown there […]
The holidays are approaching and 2016 will quickly be in the past. You still have time to do this year-end checklist for retirement plans; RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plans), RRIFs (Registered Retirement Income Plans) and TFSAs (Tax Free Savings Accounts).
The number of Canadians legally signed up to buy medical marijuana has more than tripled in the last year.
The Health Canada statistics reflect an explosion in the number of Canadians who are turning to marijuana to get relief from everything from chronic pain to nausea from chemotherapy.