Innocent until proved guilty?, isn’t that the basis of our criminal justice system? So why are women on Vancouver Island treated so cruelly whilst awaiting trial. At this point they have not been found guilty and yet they, their family and friends are torn apart when they need each other the most. Where is the humanity […]
“Cohousing: Part of the Solution to the Housing Crisis in BC and the CRD?”
The worsening problem of housing affordability is producing hardship for people all across British Columbia and the Capital Region District. In particular, people on fixed or limited income like seniors or single-parent families may face bigger challenges in finding and maintaining stable housing
Doctors of BC policy paper gives significant boost to family caregivers in BC
With one million British Columbians providing 70-75% of the care for family and friends faced with disease, disability or frailty due to aging, family caregivers need and deserve to be formally recognized as part of BC’s health care system.
After 12 years our sister Seniors 101 continues to evolve to the needs and wants of seniors on Vancouver Island. We constantly monitor the gist and trend of the questions and inquiries we receive and what we glean from other sources. Although we live in paradise here on the island thousands of seniors travel extensively, […]
Ode to John Hellum.
John Hellum was larger than life in every possible way, physically, mentally and gastronomically. Unfortunately for us John has died and has left us poor mortals for that ultimate kitchen in the sky.
BC Seniors Advocate launches largest ever survey of HandyDART service in BC
BC’s Seniors Advocate is asking 30,000 users of HandyDART how well the service is helping them meet their transportation needs.
Think you’re not prejudiced? When it comes to seniors, think again.
October 1st is the United Nations-declared “International Day of the Older Person.” The theme this year is ageism, a prejudice that the UN describes as the most socially-normalized form of discrimination worldwide.
Salish Sea Waters Catalyze Economic & World Heritage Initiatives
“There’s something special in the water of the Salish Sea,’ Governor Inslee said yesterday, and we agree,” said Laurie Gourlay in a letter to the Washington State Governor and BC Premier today.
BC Seniors Advocate releases results of landmark home support survey.
Isobel Mackenzie, Seniors Advocate for BC, released a report today highlighting results of BC’s first ever province-wide survey of home support clients and their family members.
Seniors 101’s Exciting New Helpline.
After 12 years Seniors 101 continues to evolve and respond to the needs of our users.