Climate and WeatherThe Island’s climate is envied by the rest of Canada due to its mild winters and moderate summers. Click here to read the complete article.
Article by the Times/Colonist about a New harbour to harbour ferry service between Victoria and Vancouver.
A foot passenger ferry service between Vancouver and Victoria could soon be operating out of the Inner Harbour’s historic CPR Steamship Terminal, along with a deep ocean education centre affiliated with the University of Victoria. Click here to read the complete article.
Who are we?
Find a quiet place, close your eyes; take a deep breath and relax. Think pleasant thoughts. of friends, loved ones or favourite places. Click here to read the complete article.
It’s almost time to go back home. Did you miss any of these Parksville Qualicum Beach must-do’s?
This guest article by 1. North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre: Here’s your opportunity to view Vancouver Island wildlife, especially raptors and black bears! This is a non-profit organization that cares for the well-being of Vancouver Island wildlife. Find them at 1240 Leffler Road in Errington. Click here to read the complete article.
We let this little boy down and he drowned.
This little boy drowned. He didn’t live long enough to know the bureaucratic differences between the words immigrant, refugee or displaced person. We let him down because as Canadians we do know the difference. All the values that we hold dear in our society were built by people that left their homeland in search of […]
Victoria has evolved from god’s waiting room to the Centre of Advanced Technology and brew pubs.
I had no idea that the technology sector in Greater Victoria has grown into to a $4-billion industry employing more than 15,000 people directly and rivals silicon valley as a source of brilliant talent. Did you know that? Click here to read the complete article.
Environmentally Conscious To The End, and Beyond.
by Mathieu Powell. Writing Impacts. Chris Benesch told me I could still be green after I shuffled off this mortal coil. Being the environmentally conscious guy that I am, I was intrigued.
Relax, you’re on holiday, switch off all your gadgets and turn on to Island Time.
Island time has only 3 parts, morning, afternoon and nights. Far too many people, especially children, are now prisoners of social media. Social media can now be grouped with fire and water; they are all good servants but make terrible masters. Switch off and take comfort in all that is good within you, your family, […]
Family Camping at Gordon Bay Provincial Bay
by Mathieu Powell. Writing Impacts. If you want to plan a family camping trip before the end of the summer, consider Gordon Bay Provincial Park. It’s a classic, west coast campground and beach situated on Lake Cowichan about an hour and a half outside of Victoria. The campground is situated under an impressive canopy of […]
Rotary Club of Parksville A.M.
Rotary Club of Parksville A.M. provides service to our community and advances world understanding by building on the strengths of our members. Click here to read more