This is an incredible island moment that shows the magic, the power and the mystery of the ocean that surrounds us. Click this link and be prepared to marvel at these beautiful creatures!!!
Trophy Hunting is Barbaric.
Trophy hunting is a crime against humanity and the world. Click here to read the complete article.
Coombs Fall Fair
The Coombs Fair is coming up soon, August 8 & 9. This is the ‘Year of the Cow,’ so stop by the milking parlor, participate in cream separating and butter making. Come learn about bees and honey. Click here to read the complete article.
Vote for a caring and compassionate Canadian society.
After yet another dictatorial announcement regarding the senate by our prime minister I am very concerned about the direction our country is heading. I suggest we all take a moment to review the path that Stephen Harper has taken to obtain total control of our country. Click here to read the complete article.
The Parkville International Sand Castle Competition.
One of Vancouver Island’s biggest and best events is now on in Parksville! The Quality Foods Canadian Open Sand Sculpting Competition & Exhibition is a world class event attracting master sculptors from around the world.
Yes, We Have Water On Gabriola
Tell me truthfully. Would I move to a place that didn’t have water? Heavens, no! I’m asked this question many, many times, given that I live and work on Gabriola Island. I would expect that this is a very common concern for just about all of us, and especially for women. To read more click […]
Vancouver Island traffic jam
by Mathieu Powell. Writing Impacts. Mac McCleary said, “Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.” That’s especially true in a traffic jam. Life is good on Vancouver Island. We have only one traffic jam, but it’s a hell of a big one. Vancouver Islanders who work […]
Heatstroke In Pets
With this hot weather, we need to be on the lookout for overheating, what we call hyperthermia. The video below will provide some tips on preventing heatstroke, as well as actions to take if you suspect your pet is suffering from heatstroke. Click here to see a video on this topic.
Shakespeare Served by the sea
by Mathieu Powell Writing Impacts Want to see something as a family that will completely entrance your kids, (and pleasantly surprise parents too?) Check out the second annual Shakespeare By The Sea down at Clover Point. My family and I attended on July 9th and we enjoyed a quality, albeit wind whipped rendition of Hamlet.
Cycling Salt Spring
Mathieu Powell. Writing Impacts. When a friend invited me to go on a cycling adventure to Salt Spring Island to take in the Saturday Farmer’s Market, all I really knew about the island was a multitude of artists, artisans and authors call it home, including Robert Bateman and Arthur Black. I think there’s more […]