Victoria | Malahat to Ladysmith
Nanaimo, Parksville & Qualicum
Port Alberni, Ucluelet & Tofino
Fanny Bay to Port Hardy
Off Island Golf Courses
Greater Victoria
Cedar Hill Golf Course, 1400 Derby, Victoria, BC.
250- 595-3103 www.golfcedarhill.com
Cordova Bay Ridge Golf, 5300 Cordova Bay, Victoria, BC.
250- 658-4444 www.cordovabaygolf.com
Gorge Vale Golf Club, 1053 Craigflower, Victoria, BC.
250- 386-3401 www.gorgevalegolf.com
Henderson Park Golf Course, 2291 Cedar Hill Cross Roads, Victoria, BC.
250- 370-7200 web site
Mount Douglas Golf Course, 4225 Blenkinsop, Victoria, BC.
250- 477-8314 web site
Olympic View Golf Club, 643 Latoria Road, Victoria, BC.
250- 474-3673 web site
Prospect Lake Golf Course, 4633 Prospect Lake, Victoria, BC.
250- 479-2688 www.golfprospect.com
Royal Oak Golf Club, 540 Marsett Place, Victoria, BC.
250- 658-4220 www.royaloakgolfclub.com
Uplands Golf Club, 3300 Cadboro Bay, Victoria, BC.
250) 592-1818 www.uplandsgolfclub.org
Bear Mountain. 2020 Country Club Way, Colwood, BC.
250- 744-2327 www.bearmountain.ca
Royal Colwood Golf Club, 629 Goldstream, Colwood, BC.
250- 478-9591 www.royalcolwood.org
Metchosin Golf & Country Club, 4100 Metchosin, Metchosin, BC.
250- 478-3266 web site
Glen Meadows Golf & Country Club, 1050 McTavish, Sidney, BC.
250- 656-3921 www.glenmeadows.bc.ca
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Malahat to Ladysmith
Pender Island Golf & Country Club, 2305 Otter Bay, Pender Island, BC.
250- 629-6659 www.penderislandgolf.com
Blackburn Meadows Golf Club, 269 Blackburn, Salt Spring Island, BC.
250- 537-1707 www.blackburnmeadows.com
Salt Spring Golf & Country Club, 805 Lower Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island, BC.
250- 537-2121 www.saltspringgolf.com
Arbutus Ridge Golf & Country Club, 3515 Telegraph Road, Cobble Hill, BC.
250)- 743-5000 web site
Cowichan Golf & Country Club, 4955 Trans-Canada Highway, Duncan, BC.
250- 746-5333 www.cowichangolfclub.ca
Duncan Meadows Golf Course, 6507 North Road, Duncan, BC.
250- 746-8993 www.duncanmeadows.com
March Meadows Golf Club, 10298 South Shore Road, Honeymoon Bay, BC.
250- 749-6241 www.marchmeadowsgolf.com
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Nanaimo, Parksville & Qualicum
Gabriola Golf & Country Club, 825 South Road, Gabriola Island, BC.
250- 247-8822 www.gabriolagolf.com
Cottonwood Golf Course, 1975 Haslam Road, Cassidy, BC.
250- 245-5157 www.cottonwoodgolfcourse.com
Beban Park Pitch & Putt Golf Course, 2280 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC.
250- 756-0108 web site
The Nanaimo Golf Club, 2800 Highland Boulevard, Nanaimo, BC.
250- 758-6332 www.nanaimogolfclub.ca
Winchelsea View Golf Club, 7655 Harby West, Lantzville, BC.
250- 390-3934 www.winchelseaviewgolfcourse.com
Fairwinds Golf & Country Club, 3730 Fairwinds, Nanoose Bay, BC.
888- 781-2777 www.fairwinds.ca
Brigadoon Golf Course. 359 Martindale Road, Parksville, BC.
Morningstar International Golf Course, 525 Lowry’s, Parksville, BC.
800- 567-1320 www.morningstar.bc.ca
Arrowsmith Golf & Country Club, 2250 Fowler, Qualicum Beach, BC.
250- 752-9727 www.golfarrowsmith.com
Eaglecrest Golf Club. 2035 Island Highway West, Qualicum Beach, BC.
250- 752-6311 www.eaglecrest.bc.ca
Pheasant Glen Golf Resort, 1025 Qualicum Road, Qualicum Beach, BC.
250- 752-8786 www.pheasantglen.com
Qualicum Beach Memorial Golf Club, 115 West Crescent, Qualicum Beach, BC.
250- 752-6312 www.golfqualicum.ca
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Port Alberni, Ucluelet & Tofino
The Hollies Executive Golf Course, 3133 Alberni Highway, Port Alberni, BC.
250- 724-5333 www.holliesgolfcourse.com
Long Beach Golf Course, 1850 Pacific Rim Highway, Tofino, BC.
250- 725-3332 www.longbeachgolfcourse.com
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Fanny Bay to Port Hardy
Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community, 399 Clubhouse Drive,Courtenay, BC.
888- 338-8439 www.crownisle.com
Sunnydale Golf Club, 5291 North Island Highway, Courtenay, BC.
250- 334-3232 www.sunnydalegolf.ca
Sequoia Springs Golf Club, 700 Peterson Road, Campbell River, BC.
250- 287-4970 www.sequoiasprings.com
Storey Creek Golf & Recreation Society, 300 McGimpsey, Campbell River, BC.
250- 923-3673 www.storeycreek.bc.ca
Gold River Golf & Country Club, Gold River Road, Gold River, BC.
250- 283-7266 web site
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Off Island Golf Courses.
The O’Donnell Golf Club, Palm Springs, California.
Cimarron Golf Club, Palm Springs.
Escena Golf Club, Palm Springs, California,
Arnold Palmer’s Bay Hill Club & Lodge, Forida.
The Villas of Grand Cypress, Florida.
Shingle Creek Golf Club, Florida.
Kissimmee Bay Golf Club, Florida.
Remington Golf & Country Club, Florida.
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